Student Profiles

Lucy Pinnell came to college with a desire to work within the music industry. However, over the last few months her visual and art skills have expanded and she has started to develop an interest in telling stories through social documentary. A new set of work which explores immigrant workers in the agricultural sector is her current ongoing project.





Ben Fuery is working on various projects as well as self directed work. He recently travelled to a secluded gypsy village in rural Romania. He spent a week familiarising himself with local culture, embracing gypsy dance and tasting traditional food. As a result, the community opened their doors to him and allowed Ben to capture images of a usually secretive, unseen way of life. Part of an ongoing project Ben has created with the ‘Gabor’ tribe, these images will, over time, allow a community that is often shunned to show the beautifully, honest reality of Romanian gypsy life.




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